Monday, November 25, 2019


Drimmer, S. W. (2019). Ink!: 100 fun facts about octopuses, squid, and more. Washington, DC: National Geographic Kids.

Summary: Meet cuttlefish that can camouflage themselves, octopuses that outsmart their predators, and squid that patrol the deep in this cool fact-filled reader.
Learn everything you've ever wanted to know about cephalopods, from inking, to hunting, to coconut carrying. Squish along with squid, camouflage with cuttlefish, and marvel at magnificent octopuses. Packed with weird-but-true facts and tons of cool animal info, this Level 3 Reader explores the incredible world of cephalopods.

Age level appropriate for this book: Grades 2-4

Justification: This non-fiction book is a great addition to the classroom library, especially for students interested in animals and sea creatures. This book is easy to follow, and the pictures provide a great visual of octopuses and other sea creatures. Ink! would go along well with the standard RI.3.5 (Identify and describe informational text structures, including comparison, cause/effect and problem/ solution structures, and describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text and how they contribute to the overall structure.) The teacher could have students compare one sea creature to another, based on information from the text. This would require students to read for meaning rather than just reading the book for fun, which would allow them to have a deeper understanding of the text.

Review: National Geographic Fact Readers feature the same expert-vetted running text as traditional readers--with a bonus of 100 fun facts sprinkled throughout! A fact roundup at the end of each book lets kids review what they've learned. (Plus, they can impress their friends with their animal expertise!)

Retrieved from Goodreads on November 25, 2019:

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